The Best Summer Bucket List Ideas

It’s that time of the year again! School is out, and everyone is a tad relaxed. Ready to enjoy the warmer weather. Have lots of BBQ and enjoy a cold beer or cocktail. While this sounds like lots of fun, I’m sure your little ones ought to be bored. Especially if you all have been doing the same thing every summer. This year, let’s create the best summer bucket list for you and your family! Today’s post shared over 30+ summer bucket list ideas for 2022.

A white and lemon yellow chair, floately on a summer blue background, The caption on this image reads 35 summer bucket list ideas.

But before you begin putting together a summer bucket list ideas. Get intentional and visualize your summer.

How do you want to feel this summer?

What are some things that excite you and your family?

What do you want to do differently this summer as a family?

Do you need to change your morning routine, and how will that affect you?

Create a vision for your summer, and let this summer be the best summer you’ve ever had!

Summer Bucket List Ideas: 35 Things To Do This Summer

A gallery with summer activities. Someone hiking. Another with a big yellow inflatable duck and then summer fashion.

Many of the ideas on this summer bucket list for 2022 are simple and inexpensive. And are some of the best ways to connect with your loved ones. At the same time, bringing everyone together as a family, creating lasting memories.

Let’s dive in.

1. Make homemade snowcones

Snowcones are one of the best summertime treats you and your family can have this summer while enjoying the heat. 

The good news- is it’s super easy to make.

First, crush ice into tiny pieces. Afterward, scoop them into a bowl or cup. Then drizzle your favorite syrup on top. Continue adding more crushed ice and syrup as desired. 

You can also add topping to your snowcones, like condensed milk, gummy worms, and fruit slices or candies. 

Get creative with your family and have fun while making your snowcones.

2. Add backyard picnics to your summer bucket list

Are you tired of those patio BBQs?!

Then why not transform your outdoor space into your perfect picnic destination this summer?

It’s a fabulous way to soak some sun up while enjoying the outdoors.

All you have to do is locate a spot in your backyard. Plan your mouthwatering food and appetizers. Grab your picnic blankets, some patio chairs, and an outdoor porch/deck table (if available), and set your area up.

You can also bring citronella candles to light and specialize the occasion if you wish.

Oh, and don’t forget the frisbee for the kids to play with after.

Enjoy your picnic with storytelling and jokes.

3. Make s’mores

A nine year old roasting marshmallow to make smores during her summer break.

S’mores are another delicious summer treat that must be on your summer bucket list because they are ridiculously delicious.

Gather around a campfire and get that s’more going.

Even if you don’t have access to a campfire, you can go the microwave route! It’s just as delicious!

4. Nighttime walk as a family

The kids are off from school, and chances are pretty high that they’ve fallen off their bedtime routine.

So why not take full advantage of this and go on a late-night walk as a family?!

Playing I-spy with the kids as you enjoy your evening stroll. Or see who can spot the most fireflies and so forth. 

5. Scavenger hunt for rocks

Simple activities like scavenger hunts can significantly influence your child’s creativity, boost observation skills and help them learn through play. (source)

Explore your neighborhood and collect as many rocks as possible—different sizes and shapes.

Then give your kids an opportunity to talk about the shapes of the rocks, tapping into their imagination. 

6. Paint rocks together

Now that you’ve gone around your neighborhood and collected rocks.

Wash them and let air try.

Grab some acrylic paints from your local craft shop and set a table outside. Then have fun painting rocks with your kiddos as they allow their creativity to run wild.

7. Bird-watching

A mom, toddler and dad bird watching. Crossing a summer idea of their bucket list.

Bird-watching is another fun and inexpensive activity to add to your summer bucket list ideas.

You can do bird-watching while sitting in your backyard, at the park, going for hikes, or biking. Because let’s face it, birds are everywhere!

As you head outside, look and listen to the different bird sounds to help identify your chirping, feathery friends. 

You can also keep records of all the birds you see this summer in a scrapbook. Then next summer, you can compare the birds you sight in 2022 with 2023.

8. Game nights

Game nights are packed with fun and yummy treats, which equals fun for the whole family!

Gather your favorite games – Uno, Monopoly, and Guess Who are some of our family’s favorites.

Purchase your family’s favorite snack and schedule a few hours for entertainment.

9. Movie nights

Go through your calendar and pencil in movie nights. Then set your dates and time and stick to them.

Consider providing your little ones with a few movie options to avoid looking at Paw Patrol all summer long.

Allow everyone a turn to choose movies. And if you’re up for the challenge. Create a theme for every movie night. Kids can help with this!

10. Water balloon games

Water balloons games are the perfect way to cool off while having tons of fun and laughter for hours!

Worry about making a mess in your backyard?!

Why not create a game to see who gets the most water balloon pieces afterward?! The winner gets to plan your next backyard adventure.

11. Homemade ice cream

Who doesn’t like ice cream on a hot summer day?! 

Instead of heading to the store, why not make homemade ice cream as a family?!

There are tonnes of easy and simple homemade ice cream recipes on YouTube. Plus, the kids would love to help you with this

12. Invest in a trampoline

A couple of years ago, we invested in a trampoline, and let me tell you – it’s one of the best investments we’ve made so far.

My kids (and their friends) can jump for hours on that thing. But more importantly, they are staying active while having fun and being out in nature.

Adding a trampoline to your summer bucket list ideas is definitely worth considering.

14. Wash cars this summer

There’s no need to head to the car wash when your kids are home from school.

Grab your helpers, a bucket, a rag, soap, a drying towel, hoes, or a pressure washer, and let the fun begin.

15. Strawberry picking

Make the most of strawberry season this summer.

This summer, enjoy the sunshine while picking your strawberries straight from the farm and making memories.

Discover one of your local strawberry U-pick farms on Google and visit them. The regular strawberry season begins mid-June to the end of July.

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16. Go on a road trip

According to recent research done by The Vacationer, nearly 80 percent of American travelers will be doing road trips this summer.

So pull your travel bucket list out and, if possible, make one of those destinations into a road trip this summer.

17. Sit around a campfire

There’s nothing like sitting around a campfire on a summer evening.

Gathering around a campfire to make s’mores, roast hotdogs, or spend quality time with loved ones is so profound.

It allows you to disassociate from the chaos around you while soaking in some of the simplest pleasures.

18. Make a fairy garden with your kids

Fairy gardens allow you and your children to create magic in a pot while tapping into your creativity.

First, start with a pot with soil. Then pick a few cactuses up from your local plant shop. Afterward, go through your kid’s toy bins and pull out mystical figurines to create your fairy garden. 

Visit Pinterest for more ideas on creating a fairy garden with your little ones.

19. Grow a backyard garden

If you haven’t yet done so, commit to having a dedicated spot in your backyard that you can turn into a garden paradise. So you can grow all of your favorite vegetables and herbs.

20. Go to a fun splash

It’s the ultimate summer venue that offers fun for all.

Summer splash offers you and your family an opportunity to jump, splash, bounce, swing, and slide. But most importantly, it allows you to create invaluable memories with those you love.

21. Visit your town’s farmer’s market

Support your local this summer by visiting your town’s farmer’s market.

Shop fresh and local produce for your meals while supporting farmers this summer. 

22. Visit Niagara Falls State Park 

A crowd sitting on the sand having a fun day at the beach on a hot summer day. Best summer ideas.

Niagara Falls is open all year round, but the experience is like no other during summer. 

Apart from the view of the breathtaking falls, there are many hiking trails and thrilling attractions.

23. Have a yes day

This idea was inspired by the Netflix movie – Yes Day, starring JenniferGarner.

Yes day is that one day during their summer break where the kids will not hear “NO” from the adults they live with.

Sounds scary, right?! But it can be a fun way to let everyone’s personality shine.

24. Be a tourist in your city

How well do you know your city/town?

This summer, get out of your comfort zone and be a tourist in your city.

Explore those parks, shops, and historical buildings that you’ve not visited before.

You’ll probably discover a thing or two that you haven’t before.


25. Build a fort

Build a fort in your living room and camp out there for the day or night. 

26. Make lemonade

Making lemonade is one of the must-do during summer.

This summer, go all out and add flavor shots to your lemonade. From Rasberry to passionfruit to pineapple, to name a few.

You can also pour your lemonade into a blender with crushed ice on sweltering days and blend for that slushy texture.

27. Camp in your backyard

Throw a tent up and get the fire going. Then grab yourself some snacks and drinks.

Bonus if you can connect your TV outside and look at a movie under the stars.

28. Try some new BBQ recipes

We are in grilling season! So why not shake things up this summer by trying new barbecue recipes and spices?!

29. Go Screen-free for 24 hours

According to a recent study, the average American spends over 7 hours looking at screens each day. (source)

This proves we as a society are spending less time with those we love.

Create more whitespace for you and your family by detoxing yourself from the screen for 24 hours.

Turn TVs and laptops off. Lock your phones, tablets, etc., in a drawer and challenge everyone to go 24 hours without screens.

It sounds complex, but it’s so going to be worth it! 

Plus, who doesn’t like a good challenge?!

30. Read a book series as a family

Two girls holding books covering their face. Summer reading needs to be in your summer bucket list.

School is out, but it’s vital to make time for summer reading.

Little House On The Prairie, The Never Girls, and Magic Tree House are some of our favorites.

31. Have a garage sale this summer

A garage sale is a great way to get rid of unwanted items while getting your kids to help out. The bonus is that you will make some money to fund another summer adventure. 

32. Lay on the grass and gaze at the clouds

We’ve all seen that roaring lion or archangel wings in the clouds before, right?!

Spread a blanket on the grass and lay with your little ones looking at the clouds. Allow their imagination to flow as they recognize shapes in the sky and talk about them.

33. Blow bubbles

Blowing bubbles are fun activities that keep kids and parents playing for hours on hot summer days.

As you blow the bubbles, see who can pop the most. Encourage your kids to chase them. Observing the different colors and sizes.

34. Make a meal together

Cooking together not only makes the food taste delicious. But it gives everyone an equal opportunity to contribute to the family’s meal while bonding with each other.

35. Closet clean up at the end of the summer

As summer winds down, you will be purchasing new outfits and accessories for your kiddos to return to school.

Go through their closets and pull out all the pieces they won’t be needing. Or have outgrown them and donate them to charity or your local community.


“If you’re in the luckiest one percent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 percent.” Warren Buffet

The post The Best Summer Bucket List Ideas appeared first on Teach.Workout.Love.