SmartCanucks Official Hot Canadian Deals and Coupons to go With Flyer Savings July 7th – 13th

A new sale week has begun, and we have the list of all the hottest deals for the week. Click the link below to view our list of deals and coupons to go with those deals for the week of July the 7th to the 13th.

One of the hottest deals this week is at No Frills, where Royale Tiger Towel 6 packs are on sale for $3.99 for PC Optimum members. You do have to scan your PC Optimum card to get them for this price, and there are several coupons that you can use as well. There is a printable coupon for $1 off, and there are also tear pad coupons for $1, and for $5 off when you buy three. You might even be fortunate enough to have PC Optimum offer for 1,000 points for every $5 spent on Tiger Towels!

Click here to view the list for this week.

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