Oh Good – We’re All Making Our Duvets Mouldy

Changing your bed is not a difficult task. We know that we have to change our bedsheets once a week (yes, once a week). But are you aware that you could be storing your bedsheets and bedding wrong, which in turn can increase the chances of mould and a gross musty smell appearing?

Shocking, right? It seems like we can’t get anything right. Not to worry though, the experts at Happy Beds share their seven must-know tips for properly storing your bedding.

Always wash your bedding before you store it

Even though this seems like common sense, it’s really important to make sure you wash your bedding cover, sheets, and pillowcases every time you take them off your bed, as the average person sweats between 500ml and 700ml every night. And that sweat volume increases even more so if a person suffers from night sweats or is going through menopause.

Either way, you should always wash your bedsheets on a hot 60-degree wash so that all sweat, dust, and other nasties are killed.

This drying hack can speed up the time before you store your bedding

All bedding should be dried before being put away, as even the slightest dampness can cause mould and musty-smelling problems. The best way to dry your sheets is on a washing line outside, however, if this isn’t possible, there are two hacks you can try.

Start by placing your airing rack next to a radiator before adding half of the bedsheet onto the airing rack, and the other half slotted down the back of the radiator.

As the sheet is tightly spread out, this insulates the warm air, allowing it to dry more quickly. Do, however, make sure that the back of your radiators is clean before doing this to prevent dirtying them.

Alternatively, you can add your bedsheets onto your curtain rail, which is even more efficient if your radiator is switched on underneath.

Avoid storing your bedding in the bathroom

Many people believe that they should store all linens, including bedding and towels, in the linen cupboard of their bathroom, however, this is the worst thing you can do. The cupboard can get extremely humid, causing mould and/or mildew to grow if left for long periods.

Don’t store your bedding in plastic containers 

Whilst Mrs Hinch and Marie Kondo may have influenced the nation to store everything in rattan baskets, plastic containers, and more, you should never store your bedding in any form of plastic material as they emit gases that seep into your bedding, causing a yellow stain.

If you’d like to store your bedding in a box of some sort, make sure it’s made of fabric or rattan and that it doesn’t have a lid, as no matter how dry your bedding may look or feel, there is always going to be some moisture within the fabric, which when stored in an airtight container, can cause mould or mildew.

Fold your bedding inside the matching pillowcase to keep everything together

Do you ever find yourself messing up your bedding storage system as you look for that one pillowcase that matches the rest of your bedding set? If so, you need to start folding your bedding cover, matching sheet, and one pillowcase into the remaining pillowcase.

That way, not only are your sheets protected from discolouration but you have the matching bedding stored together, saving you time and frustration further down the line. 

Add laundry beads to your bedding storage spot 

If you want your bedding to stay fresh for longer, place some scented beads in an open cup or a mesh bag and add them next to your bedding. Just remember to store them properly where your children and pets cannot reach them and in bags that do not allow the balls to become loose.

Use coffee grounds to create a great-smelling scent

If you don’t want to use scented booster beads, you can use coffee as an odour-repeller. Simply take some fresh coffee grounds and place them in a covered cup with holes to allow the smell to escape. You can tape paper over the cup and add holes to the paper covering the cup to allow for the smell to escape.

Just remember to refresh the coffee regularly (each month) and, don’t worry, you don’t need to use a lot of your finest coffee, just some coffee granules in a cup should help keep smells at bay.