It’s always annoying when your car windows fog up that is why this trick from ChrisFix on Youtube on how to defog car windows is super helpful. Who would have thought you could use shaving cream beyond shaving? That’s right! All you need for this trick is shaving cream and a little bit of effort. Super quick, easy, and inexpensive. Learn how to do this by watching the video tutorial below.
- shaving cream
- paper towel
Step 1
To start, grab your shaving cream and get a little bit of it onto the glass. Work it in with a paper towel, making sure you covered all the glass. Keep on wiping until it’s clear.

Step 2
This will take a little bit of time but just keep on wiping until the glass eventually cleared up. After this, you’ll never have to worry again about your car windows fogging up.

How To Stop Car Windows From Fogging Up
The post How To Stop Car Windows From Fogging Up appeared first on DIY Joy.