If you are using flat mops, then you might be buying replacements and spending a lot of money on them. So, instead of buying disposable mop heads, why don’t you try sewing reusable pads instead? I stumbled upon this simple tutorial and immediately knew I had to try it. They are very easy to sew, require very few materials, and you can reuse them too! If you want to learn how to make them as well, then proceed to read down below for the full instructions and watch Hello Sewing‘s video tutorial on YouTube as well.
- Towel
- Cotton fabric
- Velcro straps
- Scissors or rotary cutter
- Iron
- Clips or pins
- Sewing machine
- Pattern (click the link to download the pattern)
Step 1
Prepare the pattern, you can either draw them or download and print it out. Tape the 2 paper patterns together, then cut them out. Fold the fabric in half, then place the pattern on top of the fold, and cut both the towel and cotton fabric according to the pattern. Put them on top of each other with their right sides facing together and their edges matching. Pin or clip them around in place leaving a 2 to 3 inches gap for turning later.

Step 2
Sew it all around with a 3/8 inch seam allowance and leave the 3 inches opening unsewn. Make notches on the corners, then turn the whole piece right side out, turn the seams of the gap in, and press it around with an iron. Topstitch all around the pad including the unstitched gap in order to close it shut. Sew on the velcro straps on each flap.

*Thanks to Hello Sewing via YouTube for all images used here. If you loved this sewing project, then you’ll surely love her other videos too, so give her channel a visit and subscribe!
How To Sew Reusable Swiffer Pads
The post How To Sew Reusable Swiffer Pads appeared first on DIY Joy.