New Anti Biotic Can Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases ( Clap, Syph. etc)

 The antibiotic doxycycline, taken shortly after sex, reduced the incidence of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia in those at increased risk for these infections.Elle Aon / Shutterstock

The only time you were given an antibiotic when your test came out positive for a sexually transmitted disease was  Anti biotics in injection or pills and injections for Gonorrhea. These antibiotics will kill the disease but it won't prevent it. Now there is a new antibiotic that would prevent it. I think this would be a good thing for the thousand that get infected every year. The good thing about this antibiotic is you take it after having sex not before. Now let me tell you that PREP is been great in safeguarding you from syphilis and Gonorrhea but not as consistent as this new drug. After all, PREP is there to protect you against hang sex with someone with HIV and it works great, no need to get Infected even if he lies or doesn't know. You will be safe with PREP. No need to make an issue about someone that comes out to you except he is good marriage material because he is honest. Uninformed people are like monster in this world making others making them bad enough to commit suicide on misinformation and lies. No need to destroy somebody that likes you and is being honest when he does not have to be. If he is undetectable, he won't give you HIV so he could get quiet and that's it. You will be ok hopefully feeling good and hard to walk but still feeling good knowing how it happened..But guys tell because they want to leave the relationship open in case it gets serious. Someone undetectable, how long could he hide taking pills every day? There is a solution now of not taking pills but two shots 6 times a year. That is even more of a reason for the guy who was diagnosed not to take a chance to be cut down to pieces because he was super honest but never got credit for instead he gets unanswered messages whether on social media or the phone. Legally Im not a lawyer but if no one put you in danger and never gave you anything, what would he be charged with? Too long or too short? 

I get furious to find out a young guy is come out positive because there is no excuse to bet the fault belongs on those that think they are negative, many times without taking a test after a few weeks of sex. Maybe they dont do the test because there are too many to start having tests. Ive heard from both camps and the ones not using a condom because they are undetectable and the ones not using condoms because they dont give an fuck until they get sick or the test is positive, then there are a whole bunch of people to blame it on when it was their responsibility and meanwhile how many guys or girls did he give it too? nothing to do with the law but everything to do with your failure to read this and understand it. NO ONE should be coming HIV positive now a day and now you have no excuse for coming down with Syphilis and passing it on or gonorrhea on your ass.

Adam Gonzalez, a writer, Publisher, and experienced on the meds and rules dealing with sexual diseases. The one that gets to me is HIV because even if the guy or girl is going to be health-wise, the other gays will make him feel he is not worthy of having sex and he should not even be in the tub together with the group.

But is you have taken the test after having sex and you remain negative like you should because you know how to protect yourself and fuck the condoms. A great thing but an excuse for guys to not use them or not use them correctly and then Is not their fault. No there is something better than a condom and you must use it. If you are HIV and you failed to become undetectable in most cases is your fault. You need to take those meds every day! If you get a lab test with a few hundred HIV cells, well it won't be enough to infect now but give it a month or two and you will have a million or more. So you need to stay undetectable and keep taking the pills. You will have other choices as time goes on. Nex which is here is the injection every two months or every month for a few until they become undetectable and there will be other things. The bullet to kill it? Pharma is against it because they won't be making the money they make on those pills. Imagine a single box of pills for 30 days $300-600 dollars every month Those are the people working in having a total cured with no pills or injections. It's like having the devil in charge of your pardon before god so you can go to heaven (just an example, Im a seminarian against religion) Questions? Ask me or ask someone who knows and sometimes is not necessarily your doctor. Your doctor needs to use the language given to him either by his insurance company or the CDC. Be careful. They dont tell you everything unless is a Doctor who has treated people dying of HIV or knows those that kill themselves because of the rejection of those he comes in contact with.

I'm writing this to make sure it goes in today. No going back to check grammar or even if the words go together but I'm sure you will understand. Will correct the grammar tomorrow. but will do it tomorrow after is been published.

I love you but only if you read this and keep healthy and dont transmit it to anyone, they really dont deserve it because they are stupid because you are stupid too since you got it too.

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     Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as chlamydia, syphilis, and gonorrhea, have been on the rise nationwide. They disproportionally affect men who have sex with men and transgender women. Left untreated, they can lead to serious health issues, such as blindness, brain and nerve problems, and infertility in women. Condoms can block many STIs. But condoms are not always used consistently or correctly. So researchers have been exploring other options for preventing STIs, especially among those at elevated risk for repeated infections.

Previous studies found evidence that the antibiotic doxycycline, taken shortly after sex, might reduce the risk of bacterial STIs among men who have sex with men. This approach is called doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis, or doxy-PEP. But some experts have been concerned that preventive use of antibiotics could lead to antibiotic resistance. This might reduce future options for treating STIs and other bacterial infections.

To learn more, a team led by scientists at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and the University of Washington, Seattle, set out to measure the safety and effectiveness of doxy-PEP. They also looked for evidence of antibiotic resistance. Results were published in the New England Journal of Medicine on April 6, 2023.

The study enrolled 501 adults considered at high risk for bacterial STIs, either men who had sex with men or transgender women. All had been diagnosed with a bacterial STI in the past year and reported having sex without using a condom in the past year. They were either living with HIV or were taking or planning to take medication to prevent HIV infection.

Participants were randomly assigned to receive either doxy-PEP or standard care. Those in the doxy-PEP group were told to take a 200 mg doxycycline tablet as soon as possible within 72 hours after condomless sex. Participants were tested for STIs every three months and followed for one year.

The researchers found that the doxy-PEP group had a two-thirds lower incidence of syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia compared to the standard-care group during each three-month time period. STIs were detected in about 10% of the quarterly tests administered to those in the doxy-PEP group, compared to about 30% of those in the standard care group.

Gonorrhea was the most often diagnosed STI. The incidence of gonorrhea per quarter in the doxy-PEP group was about 55% lower than in the standard care group. Chlamydia and syphilis were each reduced by more than 80% per quarter.

The researchers found that the doxy-PEP group had a modestly higher proportion of doxycycline-resistant Staphylococcus aureus living in the nose after 12 months. And the incidence of gonorrhea strains resistant to the antibiotic tetracycline, which is in the same antibiotic class as doxycycline, was 38.5% in the doxy-PEP group compared to 12.5% in the group with standard care. This finding suggests doxy-PEP could be less effective in preventing gonorrhea with existing tetracycline resistance; however, the number of available gonorrhea cultures was low.

“It will be important to monitor the impact of doxy-PEP on antimicrobial resistance patterns over time, and weigh this against the demonstrated benefit of reduced STIs and associated decreased antibiotic use for STI treatment in men at elevated risk for recurrent STIs,” says Dr. Annie Luetkemeyer of UCSF, a co-leader of the study. “Given its demonstrated efficacy in several trials, doxy-PEP should be considered as part of a sexual health package for men who have sex with men and transwomen if they have an increased risk of STIs.”